Once you agreed on the advantages of using PDO, and verified that you can use PDO on your server, is time to connect to the database. For your sake i hope that you are already having a database set up. If you don’t, I would like you to set it up.
How to connect to a database using PDO
I must remind you that the PDO extension is object oriented (OOP), which makes all the things go easier. Simply put, you can connect to the database like this:
Connecting the fast way to the database
After is all set up, you can make the replacements in the following code snippet:
Connecting the right way to the database
Yeah, there is a right way of connecting. I don’t know if this is the one, but this is the way I prefer to connect to the database:
Recommended reading:
HashPHP – http://wiki.hashphp.org/PDO_Tutorial_for_MySQL_Developers
PHP Database Access: Are You Doing It Correctly? – http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/php-database-access-are-you-doing-it-correctly/
PHP PDO MySQL:Example How to Connect to MySQL Using PDO Class, PDO Error Attributes – http://php.tutorialref.com/pdo-mysql-connect-example.html