Please give it a try at:
Well… the previous tutorial (Revisiting MY_Model in CodeIgniter: Copying from Jamie Rumbelow and looking at Eloquent) was a reeeally long one, so I decided to create a new tutorial that will continue that one. This means that the current tutorial is still taking into consideration the Jamie Rumbelow’s base model, but also keeps looking at Laravel’s Eloquent.
Just like the previous one, this tutorial is still a work in progress created at 2015.02.18 and updated at 2015.02.19. It’s tested with CodeIgniter 3.
A database without relations wouldn’t be a database. So there has to be relations between tables. In a blog, the posts, must have an author (or more) and comments. You don’t keep all these relations inside one row in a single table. For this relationship you must have at least three (if not more), tables.
So why not try to make the life easier for the users of our MY_Model and allow them to get results from another table, all in one single chained query.
First, let’s see what relations can be established between tables:
One to One relationship is a very basic relation: for one row in a table there is another row in another table.
One to Many relationship tells us that for one record in a table there are many records in another table
Many to Many relationship can be define with the help of one intermediary table (a pivot table), so that one record in a table can have many records in another table, but also one record in the other table can have many records in the first table.
Has Many Through… is not really a relationship but “a link to a relationship”, best defined in the Laravel’s Eloquent documentation: ‘The “has many through” relation provides a convenient short-cut for accessing distant relations via an intermediate relation. For example, a Country model might have many Post through a User model.’
Now, that we know what the relationships are, let’s create methods that will allow us to work with them.
We will start with the simplest relationship…
One to One relationship
To define a one to one relationship between models, we would have to create a property inside the models that extend the MY_Model and should be accessible to the latter.
Let’s suppose a user has only one phone number which is defined in another table.
That means we have two models:
class User_model extends MY_Model { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } }
class Phone_model extends MY_Model { function __construct() { parent::__construct() } }
Now, we must define the relationship between the two models/tables. We will do it in the Eloquent style, but a bit changed… It will be a property that is an array and every element is either:
– a string which names the model that has the relationship with;
– or an array which mentions, besides the model name, a foreign key and the local key through which it establishes the relationship.
Let’s see how this works with a string:
class User_model extends MY_Model { function __construct() { $this->has_one['phone'] = 'Phone_model'; parent::__construct(); } }
class Phone_model extends MY_Model { function __construct() { $this->has_one['user'] = 'User_model'; parent::__construct() } }
Of course, the User_model can have an additional (or more) one to one relationship with another model:
class User_model extends MY_Model { function __construct() { $this->has_one['phone'] = 'Phone_model'; $this->has_one['address'] = 'Address_model'; parent::__construct(); } }
The model can be in another directory in the models directory… $this->has_one[] = ‘othermodels/User_model’;
Now let’s see how this works with an array:
class User_model extends MY_Model { function __construct() { $this->has_one['phone'] = array('Phone_model','user_id','id'); // so... we have a table, the foreign key and the local key parent::__construct(); } }
class Phone_model extends MY_Model { function __construct() { $this->has_one['user'] = array('User_model','id','user_id'); // again... we have a table, the foreign key and the local key... parent::__construct() } }
Now going to our MY_model, we take over these relations and create a single array with all the relations. First, lets define two properties before the constructor:
public $relations = array(); public $has_one = array();
In the constructor we create the $relations array with all the relations that we receive from the models that extend MY_Model:
$this->relations['has_one'] = $this->has_one;
We will then create a with() method that will hold all the model’s relations. This method will receive one parameter, and depending on what relationships we want to display, those relationships would be separated by a pipe (just like in the set_rules() method of the form validation library). For example, if we want to show all users with their phone numbers we could do something like this:
$this->load->model('user_model'); $users = $this->user_model->with('phone')->get_all();
As you can see, there is no need to also load the ‘phone_model’, as it will be loaded inside the MY_Model, Also, if we want to get the users with phones and postal address and there were this kind of relationship we would do the call like this:
$users = $this->user_model->with('phone|address')->get_all();
The with() method for one to one relationship
public function with($requests) { $requests = explode('|', $requests); if(!is_array($requests)) $requests[0] = $requests; $requested = array(); foreach($requests as $request) { foreach($this->relations as $key => $relation) { if (array_key_exists($request, $relation)) { $requested[$key][$request] = $relation[$request]; } } } foreach($requested as $relation => $request) { switch ($relation) { case 'has_one' : $this->_has_one($request); break; } } return $this; }
As you can see, with() method will receive a string which is exploded into an array on the pipe, after that, the resulted array will be used be our method to see what the user requested, based on the relationships established in the constructor. Depending on that, the requests will be dispatched to private methods, in this particular case to the _has_one() method.
The _has_one() method
Considering that it is a one on one relationship there is no point to do separate select statements, so we will do a simple join inside the _has_one() method:
private function _has_one($request) { foreach($request as $requested => $relation) { $model = (is_array($relation)) ? $relation[0] : $relation; $this->load->model($model, $requested.'_model'); $foreign_table = $this->{$requested.'_model'}->table; $this->load->helper('inflector'); $foreign_key = (is_array($relation)) ? $relation[1] : singular($this->table).'_id'; $local_key = (is_array($relation) && isset($relation[2])) ? $relation[2] : $this->primary; $this->_database->join($foreign_table, $foreign_table.'.'.$foreign_key.' = '.$this->table.'.'.$local_key, 'left'); } return TRUE; }
That is a lot of “computation”… To do the join we needed to retrieve the foreign table name, the foreign key, and the local key. We did a lot of code because we’ve allowed the user to define their own keys, but we’ve also let the user the liberty to only mention the model with which the current model has relations.
Now, you might ask “What if we have columns that have the same name on two or more tables?”.
For this you will have to use the fields() method inside the query chain. For example, you can write something like this:
And still… There is something fishy here… Can you tell me what?…
The concerns…
Well… the problem is this: What does a method that should return a simple join (the _has_one() method) have to do with establishing relationships between tables?
That part should be left to another method. So why not make a _set_relationships() private method that will take care of all relationships defined in the constructor, and this method be called when a with() method is called in the method chaining?
We will start by transforming the $relations public property into a private $_relationships property before the constructor, and delete the construction of the array in the constructor. This new private property will store the relationships between the model and other models/tables.
Now, we create the _set_relationships() method:
private function _set_relationships() { if(empty($this->_relationships)) { $options = array('has_one','has_many'); foreach($options as $option) { if(isset($this->{$option}) && !empty($this->{$option})) { $this->load->helper('inflector'); foreach($this->{$option} as $key => $relation) { $foreign_model = (is_array($relation)) ? $relation[0] : $relation; $foreign_model_name = strtolower($foreign_model); $this->load->model($foreign_model_name); $foreign_table = $this->{$foreign_model_name}->table; $foreign_key = (is_array($relation)) ? $relation[1] : singular($this->table) . '_id'; $local_key = (is_array($relation) && isset($relation[2])) ? $relation[2] : $this->primary; $this->_relationships[$key] = array('relation' => $option, 'foreign_model' => $foreign_model_name, 'foreign_table' => $foreign_table, 'foreign_key' => $foreign_key, 'local_key' => $local_key); } } } } }
Now the private property will look somewhat like this:
Array ( [phone] => Array ( [relation] => has_one [foreign_model] => phone_model [foreign_table] => phones [foreign_key] => user_id [local_key] => id ) [address] => Array ( [relation] => has_one [foreign_model] => address_model [foreign_table] => addresses [foreign_key] => user_id [local_key] => id ) )
Much nicer…
Re-constructing the with() method
Returning to our with() method, we will have to make some changes in there too. So, after we call _set_relationships(); we work with the requested “subselects”:
public function with($requests) { $this->_set_relationships(); $requests = explode('|', $requests); if(!is_array($requests)) $requests[0] = $requests; $requested = array(); foreach($requests as $request) { if (array_key_exists($request, $this->_relationships)) { $requested[$request] = $request; } } foreach($requested as $request) { switch ($this->_relationships[$request]['relation']) { case 'has_one' : $this->_has_one($request); break; } } return $this; }
Re-constructing the _has_one() method
And now the _has_one() private method looks much cleaner:
private function _has_one($request) { $relation = $this->_relationships[$request]; $this->_database->join($relation['foreign_table'], $relation['foreign_table'].'.'.$relation['foreign_key'].' = '.$this->table.'.'.$relation['local_key'], 'left'); return TRUE; }
But someone may ask: What if I want the results for the connected table to be in a separate array/object that can be attached to the result? For this, we really have to work harder…
The great re-construction
So why not pass to the with() an optional second parameter which can be a boolean value. If the second parameter is set to FALSE, it won’t make a new select and won’t pass the result to the final result, but simply do a join. If is set to TRUE (which will be the default), it will do a select for every single row. Let’s set a private property named $_separate_subqueries that we will define before the constructor:
public $_separate_subqueries = TRUE;
Let’s change the with() so that it will take the second parameter into consideration. Also, we will need to append the subselects to our read methods. To do this we should first make sure that the $requested variable will be accessible to the MY_Model class. So let’s tranform it into a private one. Now, the with method will pass the aditional requested table data to this private property. Also, if the $_separate_subqueries is set to TRUE it will leave everything to a method that will be assigned to the the after_get trigger. This way, after the model gets the data this data will be passed iterated and appended the subquery result. So let’s see the with() method again:
public function with($requests,$separate_subqueries = TRUE) { $this->_set_relationships(); $requests = explode('|', $requests); if(!is_array($requests)) $requests[0] = $requests; foreach($requests as $request) { if (array_key_exists($request, $this->_relationships)) { $this->_requested[$request] = $request; } } if($separate_subqueries === FALSE) { $this->separate_subqueries = FALSE; foreach($this->_requested as $request) { if($this->_relationships[$request]['relation'] == 'has_one') $this->_has_one($request); } } else { $this->after_get[] = 'join_temporary_results'; } return $this; }
We’ll now create a method called join_temporary_results() that will be added to the after_get trigger.
protected function join_temporary_results($data) { return $data; }
To make it easier for us, we will first make sure we always work with an array, even when passed one row, or passed objects
protected function join_temporary_results($temp_data) { $data = (sizeof($data)==1) ? array([0]=>$data) : $data; $data = json_decode(json_encode($data), TRUE); }
After this, for each $_requested we will interogate the associated tables, and pass everything to the received $data, either as object or array, depnding on the value of $return_as variable:
protected function join_temporary_results($data) { $data = (sizeof($data)==1) ? array([0]=>$data) : $data; $data = json_decode(json_encode($data), TRUE); foreach($this->_requested as $request) { $relation = $this->_relationships[$request]; $this->load->model($relation['foreign_model']); $foreign_key = $relation['foreign_key']; $local_key = $relation['local_key']; $type = $relation['relation']; $relation_key = $relation['relation_key']; $local_key_values = array(); foreach($data as $key => $element) { $local_key_values[$key] = $element[$local_key]; } $sub_results = $this->{$relation['foreign_model']}->as_array()->where($foreign_key, $local_key_values)->get_all(); foreach($sub_results as $result) { if(in_array($result[$foreign_key], $local_key_values)) { $reverse_values = array_flip($local_key_values); if($type=='has_one') { $data[$reverse_values[$result[$foreign_key]]][$relation_key] = $result; } else { $data[$reverse_values[$result[$foreign_key]]][$relation_key][] = $result; } } } unset($this->_requested[$requested_key]); } return ($this->return_as == 'object') ? json_decode(json_encode($data), FALSE) : $data; }
As you can see, we’ve done our best not do do a lot of selects… and I sure hope you understand what is going on here, because it took me two days to do this.
Now, this will work also with ‘has_many’ relationships. So let’s do this:
The $has_many property
This one is an easy one, because we only have to define it as property:
public $has_many = array();
…and change the private method _set_relationships(), so that it will accept this kind of relationship too:
private function _set_relationships() { if(empty($this->_relationships)) { $options = array('has_one','has_many'); ...
How will all this work? Well… Let’s say a user has written some posts. After we’ve created a table called posts and having a user_id as column to identify the users, we can create a model:
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Post_model extends MY_Model { function __construct() { $this->has_one['user'] = 'User_model'; parent::__construct(); } }
Now, we modify the constructor of the Users_model to accomodate the Posts_model:
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); class User_model extends MY_Model { function __construct() { $this->has_one['phone'] = 'Phone_model'; $this->has_one['address'] = array('Address_model','user_id','id'); $this->has_many['posts'] = 'Post_model'; parent::__construct(); } }
Simple… Now, if in a controller we write something like this:
$returned = $this->user_model->as_array()->with('phone|address|posts')->order_by('users.username')->get_all(); echo '<pre>'; print_r($returned); echo '</pre>';
We will get, besides the obvious phone and address, another key, named posts that will show all the user’s posts:
How does the finished MY_Model looks like?
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); /** how to extend MY_Model: * class User_model extends MY_Model * { * public function __construct() * { * $this->_database_connection = group_name or array() | OPTIONAL * Sets the connection preferences (group name) set up in the database.php. If not set, it will use the * 'default' (the $active_group) database connection. * $this->table = table name | OPTIONAL (default: plural of model name) * Sets the name of the table. If nothing none is passed, the table name will be the plural of the model name * without the "_model" string (model name: User_model; table: users). * $this->primary = unique key | OPTIONAL (default: 'id') * $this->timestamps = TRUE | array('made_at','modified_at','removed_at') * If set to TRUE tells MY_Model that the table has 'created_at','updated_at' (and 'deleted_at' if $this->soft_delete is set to TRUE) * If given an array as parameter, it tells MY_Model, that the first element is a created_at field type, the second element is a updated_at field type (and the third element is a deleted_at field type) * $this->soft_deletes = FALSE * Enables (TRUE) or disables (FALSE) the "soft delete" on records. Default is FALSE * $this->return_as = 'object' | 'array' * Allows the model to return the results as object or as array * $this->has_one['phone'] = 'Phone_model' or $this->has_one['phone'] = array('Phone_model','foreign_key','local_key'); * $this->has_one['address'] = 'Address_model' or $this->has_one['address'] = array('Address_model','foreign_key','another_local_key'); * $this->has_many['posts'] = 'Post_model' or $this->has_many['posts'] = array('Posts_model','foreign_key','another_local_key'); * Allows establishing one or more one on one relationship(s) between models/tables * * * parent::__construct(); * } * } * **/ class MY_Model extends CI_Model { /** * Select the database connection from the group names defined inside the database.php configuration file or an * array. */ protected $_database_connection = NULL; /** @var * This one will hold the database connection object */ protected $_database; /** @var null * Sets table name */ public $table = NULL; protected $_fields; /** @var string * Sets default id column */ protected $primary = 'id'; /** @var bool | array * Enables created_at and updated_at fields */ protected $timestamps = TRUE; protected $_created_at_field; protected $_updated_at_field; protected $_deleted_at_field; /** @var bool * Enables soft_deletes */ protected $soft_deletes = FALSE; /** relationships variables */ private $_relationships = array(); public $has_one = array(); public $has_many = array(); public $separate_subqueries = TRUE; private $_requested = array(); /** end relationships variables */ /** * The various callbacks available to the model. Each are * simple lists of method names (methods will be run on $this). */ protected $before_create = array(); protected $after_create = array(); protected $before_update = array(); protected $after_update = array(); protected $before_get = array(); protected $after_get = array(); protected $before_delete = array(); protected $after_delete = array(); protected $before_soft_delete = array(); protected $after_soft_delete = array(); protected $callback_parameters = array(); protected $return_as = 'object'; private $_trashed = 'without'; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->_set_connection(); $this->_fetch_table(); $this->_set_timestamps(); $this->before_create[] = 'add_created'; $this->before_update[] = 'add_updated'; $this->before_soft_delete[] = 'add_deleted'; } /** * public function insert($data) * Inserts data into table. Can receive an array or a multidimensional array depending on what kind of insert we're talking about. * @param $data * @return str/array Returns id/ids of inserted rows */ public function insert($data) { // First of all let's make sure we receive an array... $data_as_array = (is_object($data)) ? (array)$data : $data; //now let's see if the array is a multidimensional one (multiple rows insert) $multi = FALSE; foreach($data_as_array as $element) { $multi = (is_array($element)) ? TRUE : FALSE; } // if the array is not a multidimensional one... if($multi === FALSE) { $data = $this->trigger('before_create',$data); if($this->_database->insert($this->table, $data)) { $id = $this->_database->insert_id(); $return = $this->trigger('after_create',$id); return $return; } return FALSE; } // else... else { foreach($data as $row) { $row = $this->trigger('before_create',$row); if($this->_database->insert($this->table,$row)) { $id[] = $this->_database->insert_id(); } } $return = $this->trigger('after_create',$id); return $return; } return FALSE; } /** * public function update($data) * Updates data into table. Can receive an array or a multidimensional array depending on what kind of update we're talking about. * @param $data * @param $column_name_where * @return str/array Returns id/ids of inserted rows */ public function update($data, $column_name_where = NULL) { // First of all let's make sure we receive an array... $data_as_array = (is_object($data)) ? (array)$data : $data; //now let's see if the array is a multidimensional one (multiple rows insert) $multi = FALSE; foreach($data_as_array as $element) { $multi = (is_array($element)) ? TRUE : FALSE; } // if the array is not a multidimensional one... if($multi === FALSE) { $data = $this->trigger('before_update',$data); if(isset($column_name_where)) { if (is_array($column_name_where)) { $this->where($column_name_where[0], $column_name_where[1]); } elseif (is_numeric($column_name_where)) { $this->_database->where($this->primary, $column_name_where); } else { $column_value = (is_object($data)) ? $data->{$column_name_where} : $data[$column_name_where]; $this->_database->where($column_name_where, $column_value); } } if($this->_database->update($this->table, $data)) { $affected = $this->_database->affected_rows(); $return = $this->trigger('after_update',$affected); return $return; } return FALSE; } // else... else { $rows = 0; foreach($data as $row) { $row = $this->trigger('before_update',$row); if(is_array($column_name_where)) { $this->_database->where($column_name_where[0], $column_name_where[1]); } else { $column_value = (is_object($row)) ? $row->{$column_name_where} : $row[$column_name_where]; $this->_database->where($column_name_where, $column_value); } if($this->_database->update($this->table,$row)) { $rows++; } } $affected = $rows; $return = $this->trigger('after_update',$affected); return $return; } return FALSE; } /** * public function where($where) * Sets a where method for the $this object * @param $where_col_array * @param $value = NULL a $value is needed if the first parameter is a column name. * @return Returns $this object */ public function where($where_col_array = NULL, $value = NULL) { if(isset($where_col_array)) { if (!is_array($where_col_array) && is_null($value)) { $this->_database->where($this->primary, $where_col_array); } elseif (isset($value) && !is_array($value)) { $this->_database->where($where_col_array, $value); } elseif (isset($value) && is_array($value)) { $this->_database->where_in($where_col_array,$value); } elseif (is_array($where_col_array)) { $this->_database->where($where_col_array); } } if($this->_trashed!='without') { $this->_where_trashed(); } return $this; } /** * public function limit($limit, $offset = 0) * Sets a rows limit to the query * @param $limit * @param int $offset * @return $this */ public function limit($limit, $offset = 0) { $this->_database->limit($limit, $offset); return $this; } /** * public function delete($where) * Deletes data from table. * @param $where * @return Returns affected rows or false on failure */ public function delete($where = NULL) { $this->where($where); $affected_rows = 0; if($this->soft_deletes === TRUE) { $query = $this->_database->get($this->table); foreach($query->result() as $row) { $to_update[] = array($this->primary => $row->{$this->primary}); } if(isset($to_update)) { foreach($to_update as &$row) { $row = $this->trigger('before_soft_delete',$row); } $affected_rows = $this->update($to_update, $this->primary); $this->trigger('after_soft_delete',$to_update); } return $affected_rows; } else { if($this->_database->delete($this->table)) { return $this->_database->affected_rows(); } } return FALSE; } /** * public function force_delete($where = NULL) * Forces the delete of a row if soft_deletes is enabled * @param null $where * @return bool */ public function force_delete($where = NULL) { $this->where($where); if($this->_database->delete($this->table)) { return $this->_database->affected_rows(); } return FALSE; } /** * public function restore($where = NULL) * "Un-deletes" a row * @param null $where * @return bool */ public function restore($where = NULL) { $this->with_trashed(); $this->where($where); if($affected_rows = $this->_database->update($this->table,array($this->_deleted_at_field=>NULL))) { return $affected_rows; } return FALSE; } /** * public function trashed($where = NULL) * Verifies if a record (row) is soft_deleted or not * @param null $where * @return bool */ public function trashed($where = NULL) { $this->only_trashed(); $this->where($where); $this->limit(1); $query = $this->_database->get($this->table); if($query->num_rows() == 1) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * public function get() * Retrieves one row from table. * @param null $where * @return bool */ public function get($where = NULL) { $this->trigger('before_get'); $this->where($where); $this->limit(1); $query = $this->_database->get($this->table); if($query->num_rows() == 1) { $row = $query->{$this->_return_type(FALSE)}(); $row = $this->trigger('after_get',$row); return $row; } return FALSE; } /** * public function get_all() * Retrieves one row from table. * @param null $where * @return bool */ public function get_all($where = NULL) { $this->trigger('before_get'); $this->where($where); $query = $this->_database->get($this->table); if($query->num_rows() > 0) { $data = $query->{$this->_return_type(TRUE)}(); $data = $this->trigger('after_get',$data); return $data; } return FALSE; } /** RELATIONSHIPS */ /** * public function with($requests) * allows the user to retrieve records from other interconnected tables depending on the relations defined before the constructor * @param string $requests * @param bool $separate_subqueries * @return $this */ public function with($requests,$separate_subqueries = TRUE) { $this->_set_relationships(); $requests = explode('|', $requests); if(!is_array($requests)) $requests[0] = $requests; foreach($requests as $request) { if (array_key_exists($request, $this->_relationships)) { $this->_requested[$request] = $request; } } if($separate_subqueries === FALSE) { $this->separate_subqueries = FALSE; foreach($this->_requested as $request) { if($this->_relationships[$request]['relation'] == 'has_one') $this->_has_one($request); } } else { $this->after_get[] = 'join_temporary_results'; } return $this; } /** * protected function join_temporary_results($data) * Joins the subquery results to the main $data * @param $data * @return mixed */ protected function join_temporary_results($data) { $data = (sizeof($data)==1) ? array([0]=>$data) : $data; $data = json_decode(json_encode($data), TRUE); foreach($this->_requested as $requested_key => $request) { $relation = $this->_relationships[$request]; $this->load->model($relation['foreign_model']); $foreign_key = $relation['foreign_key']; $local_key = $relation['local_key']; $type = $relation['relation']; $relation_key = $relation['relation_key']; $local_key_values = array(); foreach($data as $key => $element) { $local_key_values[$key] = $element[$local_key]; } $sub_results = $this->{$relation['foreign_model']}->as_array()->where($foreign_key, $local_key_values)->get_all(); foreach($sub_results as $result) { if(in_array($result[$foreign_key], $local_key_values)) { $reverse_values = array_flip($local_key_values); if($type=='has_one') { $data[$reverse_values[$result[$foreign_key]]][$relation_key] = $result; } else { $data[$reverse_values[$result[$foreign_key]]][$relation_key][] = $result; } } } unset($this->_requested[$requested_key]); } return ($this->return_as == 'object') ? json_decode(json_encode($data), FALSE) : $data; } /** * private function _has_one($request) * * returns a joining of two tables depending on the $request relationship established in the constructor * @param $request * @return $this */ private function _has_one($request) { $relation = $this->_relationships[$request]; $this->_database->join($relation['foreign_table'], $relation['foreign_table'].'.'.$relation['foreign_key'].' = '.$this->table.'.'.$relation['local_key'], 'left'); return TRUE; } /** * private function _set_relationships() * * Called by the public method with() it will set the relationships between the current model and other models */ private function _set_relationships() { if(empty($this->_relationships)) { $options = array('has_one','has_many'); foreach($options as $option) { if(isset($this->{$option}) && !empty($this->{$option})) { $this->load->helper('inflector'); foreach($this->{$option} as $key => $relation) { $foreign_model = (is_array($relation)) ? $relation[0] : $relation; $foreign_model_name = strtolower($foreign_model); $this->load->model($foreign_model_name); $foreign_table = $this->{$foreign_model_name}->table; $foreign_key = (is_array($relation)) ? $relation[1] : singular($this->table) . '_id'; $local_key = (is_array($relation) && isset($relation[2])) ? $relation[2] : $this->primary; $this->_relationships[$key] = array('relation' => $option, 'relation_key' => $key, 'foreign_model' => $foreign_model_name, 'foreign_table' => $foreign_table, 'foreign_key' => $foreign_key, 'local_key' => $local_key); } } } } } /** END RELATIONSHIPS */ /** * public function on($connection_group = NULL) * Sets a different connection to use for a query * @param $connection_group = NULL - connection group in database setup * @return obj */ public function on($connection_group = NULL) { if(isset($connection_group)) { $this->_database->close(); $this->load->database($connection_group); $this->_database = $this->db; } return $this; } /** * public function reset($connection_group = NULL) * Resets the connection to the default used for all the model * @return obj */ public function reset() { if(isset($connection_group)) { $this->_database->close(); $this->_set_connection(); } return $this; } /** * Trigger an event and call its observers. Pass through the event name * (which looks for an instance variable $this->event_name), an array of * parameters to pass through and an optional 'last in interation' boolean */ public function trigger($event, $data = array(), $last = TRUE) { if (isset($this->$event) && is_array($this->$event)) { foreach ($this->$event as $method) { if (strpos($method, '(')) { preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+)(\(([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\., ]+)\))?/', $method, $matches); $method = $matches[1]; $this->callback_parameters = explode(',', $matches[3]); } $data = call_user_func_array(array($this, $method), array($data, $last)); } } return $data; } /** * public function with_trashed() * Sets $_trashed to TRUE */ public function with_trashed() { $this->_trashed = 'with'; return $this; } /** * public function with_trashed() * Sets $_trashed to TRUE */ public function only_trashed() { $this->_trashed = 'only'; return $this; } private function _where_trashed() { switch($this->_trashed) { case 'only' : $this->_database->where($this->_deleted_at_field.' IS NOT NULL', NULL, FALSE); break; case 'without' : $this->_database->where($this->_deleted_at_field, NULL); break; case 'with' : break; } $this->_trashed = 'without'; return $this; } /** * public funciton fields($fields) * does a select() of the $fields * @param $fields the fields needed * @return $this */ public function fields($fields = NULL) { if(isset($fields)) { $fields = (is_array($fields)) ? implode(',',$fields) : $fields; $this->_database->select($fields); } return $this; } /** * public function order_by($criteria, $order = 'ASC' * A wrapper to $this->_database->order_by() * @param $criteria * @param string $order * @return $this */ public function order_by($criteria, $order = 'ASC') { if(is_array($criteria)) { foreach ($criteria as $key=>$value) { $this->_database->order_by($key, $value); } } else { $this->_database->order_by($criteria, $order); } return $this; } /** * Return the next call as an array rather than an object */ public function as_array() { $this->return_as = 'array'; return $this; } /** * Return the next call as an object rather than an array */ public function as_object() { $this->return_as = 'object'; return $this; } /** * private function _return_type($multi = FALSE) * returns the result either as array or as object depending on $this->return_as value. Also if $multi is set to TRUE returns more than one result * @param bool $multi * @return string */ private function _return_type($multi = FALSE) { $method = ($multi) ? 'result' : 'row'; return ($this->return_as == 'array') ? $method . '_array' : $method; } /** * private function _set_timestamps() * * Sets the fields for the created_at, updated_at and deleted_at timestamps * @return bool */ private function _set_timestamps() { if($this->timestamps === TRUE || is_array($this->timestamps)) { $this->_created_at_field = (is_array($this->timestamps) && isset($this->timestamps[0])) ? $this->timestamps[0] : 'created_at'; $this->_updated_at_field = (is_array($this->timestamps) && isset($this->timestamps[1])) ? $this->timestamps[1] : 'updated_at'; $this->_deleted_at_field = (is_array($this->timestamps) && isset($this->timestamps[2])) ? $this->timestamps[2] : 'deleted_at'; } return TRUE; } /** * * protected function add_created($row) * * Receives a row of data and appends to it a created_at field type returning the row * * @param $row * @return mixed */ protected function add_created($row) { if($this->timestamps === TRUE || is_array($this->timestamps)) { if(is_object($row) && !isset($row->{$this->_created_at_field})) { $row->{$this->_created_at_field} = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } elseif(!isset($row[$this->_created_at_field])) { $row[$this->_created_at_field] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } } return $row; } /** * * protected function add_updated($row) * * Receives a row of data and appends to it a updated_at field type returning the row * * @param $row * @return mixed */ protected function add_updated($row) { if($this->timestamps === TRUE || is_array($this->timestamps)) { if(is_object($row) && !isset($row->{$this->_updated_at_field})) { $row->{$this->_updated_at_field} = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } elseif(!isset($row[$this->_updated_at_field])) { $row[$this->_updated_at_field] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } } return $row; } /** * * protected function add_deleted($row) * * Receives a row of data and appends to it a deleted_at field type returning the row * * @param $row * @return mixed */ protected function add_deleted($row) { if($this->timestamps === TRUE || is_array($this->timestamps)) { if(is_object($row) && !isset($row->{$this->_deleted_at_field})) { $row->{$this->_deleted_at_field} = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } elseif(!isset($row[$this->_deleted_at_field])) { $row[$this->_deleted_at_field] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } } return $row; } /** * private function _fetch_table() * * Sets the table name when called by the constructor * */ private function _fetch_table() { if (!isset($this->table)) { $this->table = $this->_get_table_name(get_class($this)); } } private function _get_table_name($model_name) { $this->load->helper('inflector'); $table_name = plural(preg_replace('/(_m|_model)?$/', '', strtolower($model_name))); return $table_name; } /** * private function _set_connection() * * Sets the connection to database */ private function _set_connection() { isset($this->_database_connection) ? $this->load->database($this->_database_connection) : $this->load->database(); $this->_database = $this->db; } }
But wait… this is not over yet…
waiting for next part….
i will try it
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this tutorial. Actually, I think there won’t be a second part, as this tutorial has turned into a “full-fledged” MY_Model repository 🙂 I sure hope you will try it.
nearly desperate searching tutorial for how working on establishing between tables.
having look at several ORM like Propel, Datamapper, Doctrine, Gas ORM but none of them provide a satisfied tutorial.
After several days doing painful searching on Google, it directs me again to this wonderful site.
Sir, please, i think you need to add this (and other non listed ones) to the site menu.
Believe me or not, I’ve never used an ORM, because ORM’s are usually adding a lot of complexity where you don’t need. But I will look into it… 🙂 By the way, did you try this great tutorial:
i am copying your model on Github to webserver.
route set to ‘test’ = done
setting database.php = done
migrating database = done
and when i try to run it, an error appears, as below:
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined index: foreign_model
Filename: core/MY_Model.php
Line Number: 1247
where the code in line 1247 is = $foreign_model = $relation[‘foreign_model’];
is there something that i missed?
Yes. I’ve updated the MY_Model and the readme, but forgot to change the test controller. 😛
lol, i was worried that was my mistake.
I would really really happy if you are willing to change the Test controller.
It may sound exaggerate lol, but i beg you Sir to make an update to the Test controller.
I did. Download the models made for test again
Thanks, it perfectly works.
It is already 2:00 AM here, and your help will surely my sleep is like a baby, unlike before, could not close my eyes because the errors LOL.
You are welcome.
I just wanting to make sure,
is it true that on the Data tier (sql level), every created table has no relation at all to each other, but the relationship task is handled by Logic tier (CI model) ?
Well… actually you can at any time create relations between tables inside MySQL type of databases. These are actually called relational databases because the have relations. On the other hand there are also NoSQL type of databases (redis, mongodb) which are not relational databases (although they can emulate relations…)
My question is not for general cases, but specifically for your MY_Model repository on Github.
As far as what I understand, from the SQL database structure (5 tables) created by your code, there is no relationship among those tables, but it is established by your Model. Is it true?
Yes. The models and the migrations created there were only as test cases…
currently i am creating dummy application using your model by working with two tables that relates to each other (ONE TO ONE).
Let’s say:
1. table users (user_id , username)
2. table groups(group_id, groupname)
on every user creation, i wanna associate every user entry with one group (ex: user ‘Avenir’ is a member of group ‘Expert’).
from what i have learned from your tutorial (about ION AUTH), we just pass our ‘groups’ table to register function
$this->ion_auth->register($username, $group_ids); (a line taken your Users.php controller, where $username is belong to table ‘users’ and $group_ids is belong to table ‘groups’)
On the Users.php controller, there is no a clear info about what is the Model used to handle communication with database ( I assume it is automatically taken care by ION AUTH Model).
But from your MY_Model, my best understanding is everytime we wanna work with a tabel, we need to load its model.
This is a part that i am still confused.
My question is, based on this tutorial part (about MY_Model), how to work with creation (entry) user profile from table ‘users’ and also making relation with table ‘groups’ by adding group for this user?
What i have done so far is:
$data = array(‘username’ => ‘avenirer’);
above lines only work with one table (‘users’).
But i don’t know how to associate user ‘Avenir’ with group let’s say ‘Expert’, because ‘Expert’ is a data from other table (groups)
From the pattern, what i supposed to do was by adding another parameter into:
$data = array(‘username’ => ‘avenirer’,’groups’=>’Expert’);
but this line is not working, i assume the parameter ‘groups’ is belong to another model (group_model).
From your Github MY_Model repository, the available example for inserting data is just working with one table.
I need your very help Sir, what should I do on insert data to tables that has relationship.?
A small example would be fantastic if you do not mind.
Wooow… sorry. I totally forgot about this comment. When I created the User model, I did it in order to work with the users table without tempering with the Ion_auth. If I were to make changes to the Ion_auth, then any updates done to the library on Github wouldn’t be made inside my application unless I made the same changes after importing the library (which also has a model called Ion_auth, model that deals with more than one table: users, users_groups, groups). Usually when you work with the things that the library deals with (user authentication, registration, administration), you should use the methods that the library gives you. Only if you find yourself needing something new that can’t be handled by the library, you should use your own models. Hope I made myself understood.